MongoDB Atlas – The multi-cloud developer data platform, provides an integrated suite of cloud database and data services to accelerate and simplify how you build with data.


MongoDB is an attractive option to developers. Its data storage philosophy is simple and immediately  understandable to anybody with programming experience.


A key benefit of the MongoDB design is that the database is extremely easy to scale. Configuring a sharded  cluster allows a portion of the database, called a shard, to also be configured as a replica set. In a sharded cluster, data is distributed across many servers.


SQL is optimized for high performance joins across multiple tables that have been appropriately indexed. In MongoDB, joins are supported with the $lookup operation, but they are less needed due to the way MongoDB documents tend to be used/stored.


This is an easy one, and a hands-down win for MongoDB. The schemaless design of MongoDB documents makes it  extremely easy to build and enhance applications over time, without needing to run complex and expensive  schema migration processes as you would with a relational database.

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