Longshore’s Regulatory solutions represent a dynamic fusion of technology and regulatory compliance aimed at streamlining and enhancing the efficiency of regulatory processes. Unlike conventional tools that often operate in silos, our solutions are integrated and holistic, offering a comprehensive view of compliance and risk. This integration ensures more effective monitoring, fraud detection, and regulatory reporting, significantly reducing non-compliance risk.

  • AMLRO/AMLCO Solutions

Implement strategies and tools to fulfill the roles of Anti-Money Laundering Reporting Officer (AMLRO) and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer (AMLCO), ensuring compliance with regulatory standards in identifying and reporting suspicious financial activities.

  • AEOI/FATCA/CRS Classifications

Assist in meeting the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) obligations, including FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) and CRS (Common Reporting Standard), by classifying accounts and reporting relevant financial information to appropriate authorities.

  • Economic Substance Classification

Evaluate and classify entities based on economic substance regulations to determine tax residency and compliance, ensuring entities conduct substantial activities in their jurisdiction of registration.

  • Investor/Client Due Diligence

Conduct thorough background checks and risk assessments on potential investors or clients to comply with regulatory requirements, mitigate financial risks, and prevent involvement with illicit activities.

  • Integrated Sanctions/PEP/Watchlists Screening

Screen individuals and entities against global sanctions lists, Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) databases, and other watchlists to prevent associations with parties involved in financial crimes or terrorism.

  • Ongoing Monitoring

Continuously monitor client activities and transactions for unusual patterns or behaviours, ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations.

  • Beneficial Ownership Tracking

Identify and keep records of individuals who ultimately own or control a legal entity, aiding in transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

  • Control Persons Tracking

Track and maintain records of individuals with significant control or influence over entities, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and aiding in risk management.

  • Automated Risk Assessments

Utilize advanced software to automate the risk assessment process, efficiently identifying and analysing potential risks associated with clients or transactions.

  • Risk Profiles Management

Develop and manage detailed risk profiles for clients, products, investors, and service providers, facilitating tailored risk management strategies and regulatory compliance.